Finding your own style outside the trends can feel pretty difficult. I mean, most fashion brands sell us what’s trendy and when we are constantly purchasing new items, we end up letting brands decide our style for us, which is basically made out of just trends.
While letting that happen can feel easier, this is the reason why when you go to your closet you feel like you have nothing to wear. Trends expire and what looks awesome one day, can look pretty old fashioned in a month. So, you keep buying and buying and it’s never enough.
If you want to learn how to find your own style and rock it on every outfit you wear, you couldn’t be in a better place! And no, you don’t have to go shopping and spend hundreds of dollars to build a whole new wardrobe.

Let’s start!
Okay, first of all… Why should you have your own signature style?
- Because this way you’ll always have something to wear.
- You save money, LOTS of it. (And don’t forget about the planet!)
- It becomes easy to know how to properly invest in long-lasting items.
- You will look & feel better! I mean, who doesn’t want that?
- Being a fashion victim will be in the past.
- Your outfits will look timeless when you look back at your old pictures.
I could go on with more reasons, but it’s time to get to the point…
Here’s how to create your own style:
—This is going to be fun! —
STEP 1: Define the facts.
What’s your personality style?
Is it sporty? Or maybe natural or romantic? What about a classic, creative, boho-chic, or preppy?

A personality style is like a general style, but this is just the first step to create a personal signature wardrobe.
You can find this out by looking at pictures of every style and paying attention to where you see yourself the most. You don’t have to dress like that right now, just look at the one that gets your attention, that you like the most or where you identify yourself with.
Maybe you would like to dress differently than you do right now. That’s completely okay!! And you can probably think “oh, but that’s not me”. Darling, if you like it, then it IS you.
Discovering what’s your personality style can take a little time, that’s why we created a quiz to make it easier & faster. You just need to answer the questions —according to how you would like to dress— and in a few minutes, you’ll know!
If you haven’t done our quiz, you definitely should! Here’s the link, it’s super easy, fun, and free! Plus, we also share some tips, basics & brands that suit your style.
Next, what is your lifestyle?
Do you spend most of your days in an office? At home? Maybe you’re a student or a working mom.

This is VERY important because you will hardly wear a boho short dress for your everyday life if you’re a lawyer.
Lifestyle is key because you need your style to be practical for you.
Another important fact to define is, what body shape do you have?
Why is this relevant? Because knowing your body shape helps you know what features you should enhance of yourself! You don’t have to follow every rule, but it can definitely help you have an idea of what looks better on you.
There are different types of ideas, you can follow the most popular which consists of hourglass, rectangle, apple, pear, and inverted triangle. You can try the kibbe body type theory too, which is more specific.
Knowing this isn’t 100% necessary, but we recommend you know what’s yours.
Once you define your personality style, your lifestyle & your body type, you can continue with the next step!
STEP 2: Declutter!
The fun part is about to begin!!
Go to your wardrobe and yes, you can take everything out or you can do whatever you want to make this process easier. —Just make sure to look at every garment you own.— (You don’t have to do all your wardrobe in a day. Maybe you can start with your tops & dresses, then the next day continue with pants & shoes. Whatever works for you, do that).
Now, we are going to divide our garments into categories, for example, I used the next ones:

*Love it! —Items you love and have worn frequently for at least 2 years. Definitely keep them!
*I like it — Garments you like, maybe because they are comfortable, they look good on you, they are practical for your lifestyle or something else. Save them aside and also keep them. You can put all your basics in this category.
*Meh… — You are not crazy about them, but they’re still in good condition. Perhaps you won’t wear them anymore, or only for comfort in your home. Consider upcycling or making something else with them. (If you’re not a DIY fan, you can give them away, sell them or swap with friends).
*Nope — Clothes you no longer like, you haven’t worn for years, but are still in good condition. You probably keep them because you have an emotional attachment to it. If there’s emotional attachment, also consider upcycling or making a new garment out of it. If not, swap, sell or give away.
*Bye —Items that have been used a lot, are in terrible conditions and you don’t even wear anymore. Say bye, bye to them! (If you can, avoid throwing them away. We made an Instagram post with some ideas on how you can reuse old useless clothes, check it out!)
Note: Don’t get rid of the basics. You may think there’s nothing special in a plain white t-shirt, but that can help you build a lot of outfits. Try to keep all the basics in your wardrobe, unless you don’t like the color or it doesn’t fit you right anymore.
Now that we have our clothes separated into these categories —or you can also create your own— let’s move forward to the next step.
STEP 3: Try it on
For this part, we will keep working only with the first two categories Love it! & I like it.
It’s time to try on our wardrobe! Imagine you are shopping and you are trying on new things. Pay attention to every reason why you love the items in that category and make a list.

Maybe you like the print or the cut. It can also be the fabric, the way it looks on you.
Once you’re done with your list, try making a moodboard or a collage with all the details you love. This way you will start getting a clear image of what your style looks like. You can use pictures & words.
STEP 4: Capsule Wardrobe
It’s time to start playing around. We are going to build a capsule wardrobe!

There are many reasons why I recommend doing this. Capsule wardrobes force us to get creative and we always end up discovering a new way of wearing our clothes.
If you don’t know what a capsule wardrobe is, or where to start, you can read our blog post about how to create the perfect capsule wardrobe for you. This is a very specific guide you can follow to define a color palette, silhouettes, etc. If you’re a beginner, this is for you.
There are other capsule wardrobe ideas like the 10X10 Challenge, which consists of wearing only 10 items, to create 10 outfits for 10 days. This really helped us discover our style a little bit more, and it can be very fun!
STEP 5: Complements
Now, you know what’s your personality style & what details you love about your wardrobe & styling, you can focus on only shopping items with similarities.
Finally, now it’s all about the complements. This is what makes it even more personalized & what makes it look like you.

- What silhouette do you want?
You can choose between a moderate, slim, relaxed, hourglass silhouette, or whatever silhouette you want to create. —That’s the great thing about your personal style, there are no rules, except the ones you make. —
Choosing a silhouette means you can change the way you look with clothes. For example, my body shape is a rectangle, I have narrow hips and a small chest. Even if I have a waist, it isn’t as noticeable as an hourglass silhouette. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t look like an hourglass.
One of my personal choices is to always enhance my waist. I love a feminine silhouette, so I always look for high waisted bottoms and dresses that make my hips look bigger & my waist smaller.
If you want a relaxed silhouette, then you should buy baggier items and avoid garments that stick to the body.
- Choose signature pieces.
You can choose to always wear sneakers, or flats, and just play around with your outfits.
Your signature top can be always wearing V or boat necklines. Or you can choose 2 or 3 that you love and look only for blouses with those characteristics.
The more defined you have what your signature pieces are, the better and shaper your style will be.
- Hair & makeup matter.
Yes, they matter, because they are part of your personal style. However, th
is doesn’t mean you have to always do your hair & makeup, you can be natural & that can be your style.
For example, I really enjoy taking care of myself but I don’t like complicated hairstyles & makeup. I like to look natural, but not messy. You won’t see me wearin
g buns or braids because my hair is so straight hairstyles never last on me & trying to make them last would take me a lot of time. Remember, you have to keep in mind your lifestyle & how much time do you have.
You can choose like me, just to make a fast blowout to keep my hair in place & with volume. Or maybe you have time & you can curl your hair often. You must look for a balance between what fits in your lifestyle, what you like, and what’s comfortable for you.
When it comes to makeup, look for your favorite feature about your face and try to enhance it even more.
I like my eyebrows & my eyes, so I always spend an extra 5 minutes brushing my eyebrows and applying gel to keep them in place and a little mascara to have a more intense look. I love blush just as much because it makes me look alive and not as pale, so I always apply a little of it over my cheeks and sometimes nose. That’s what I wear on an average day & it’s my signature makeup.
You just have to find something like this, but if you don’t like makeup, you can skip it and that can be your signature style too. But if you love it, you can play a lot with it and create your unique look.
Whatever you love, even if you get inspiration from someone else will be unique, because nobody has your face, so no one can rock it like you.
I really hope this was useful to you, if you have any doubts please don’t hesitate to email us! We’re happy to help you all & we know this topic can be confusing when you’re just starting.
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