When finding our Kibbe Body Type, it is common to dicover some of the suggested dressing lines do not work for us. And no, this doesn’t mean you don’t have a Soft Natural Kibbe Body Type. This only means, you are missing your Kitchener Essence lines in your style.
What’s the difference between the Kibbe System and the Kitchener Essences?
The Kibbe System focuses more on your body type (bone structure + body flesh), while the Kitchener Essences are mainly about your facial features.
Both of the Systems work with Yin (soft features) and Yang (sharp features). So, this makes it easier to combine both of the systems. However, it’s easy to feel confused about how to comibine them without messing up.
So, once you know your Kibbe ID, you want to figure out what your Kitchener Essences are. Essences can make a huge difference and they’re usually the missing part when it comes to figuring out what looks best on you. They are basically what makes everything make sense, and they go beyond only “looking good.” When you figure out what your essences are, you can actually understand why people see you the way they see you and surprisingly sometimes they go hand-by-hand with your personality (not in all cases).
So, how can you figure out your Essence Blend?
There are a few ways, like analyzing your own features, booking a consult with John Kitcher, you can try our free quiz to get an idea of what your essences might be, or you can simply book an Essence Analysis with us and we’ll be happy to make a Style Guide based on your Essence Blend + Kibbe ID.
On the other side, if you already know your blend, you might be looking for a way to incorporate your Essences to your style without getting in the way of your Dramatic lines. Don’t worry, we’ve got you! Just keep reading to find out how to incorporate your essences to your Dramatic Kibbe ID.
Dramatic Essence + Soft Natural Kibbe ID
It is known that a Soft Natural wears light to medium weight fabrics and looks for that subtle waist definition. When it comes to adding the Dramatic essence, you can always play around with sharp, long lines, dark, bold and bright colors, animal print, and pointy or angular details. allOf course, the elemnts you can add always depend on how much of the essence you have and if it is your main or a complementary essence.
If Dramatic is your main essence, you can never go wrong by being extra or too much. More is more. However, you want to keep that waist definition and the balance in your lines. Wearing long items in all your outfit could make you look like you’re drowning in your clothes. So, try to only add one long item per outfit. Still, you can play around with the bold and dark colors, prints, makeup and sleek hairstyles.
If Dramatic is your first complementary essence, you can incorporate the essence by wearing the bright and bold Dramatic colors, wild prints, sleek hairstyles, heavy makeup, or a whole dramatic garment. You can wear shirts, heavier coats or even leather as a signature material.
Finally, if Dramatic is your secondary complementary essence, you might want to keep it in the colors you wear, perhaphs a bold lip color, winged eye liner, an exotic print, or flamboyant jewelry. Adding shirts, a long coat or leather jackets will also work as these garments align with your Kibbe.
Of course, some colors like black or very bright ones will not look good if you’re outside the Winter family in the Seasonal Color System. So, to learn how to dress Dramatic in your color palette make sure to book a consultation with us. We’ll be happy to guide you into your most authentic style.

Natural Essence + Soft Natural
Kibbe ID
The Natural Essence dressing lines almost align perfectly to the Soft Natural lines. The only difference is that the Natural Essence includes heavier garments, the lines are longer, and doesn’t care much about waist definition. You will want to keep the relaxed style and the oversized fit, if you have the essence as a Soft Natural. You have to go for a low-key look.
If Natural is your main essence, you can add sharpness to your Soft Natural structure. V necklines and oversized items will be your best friends. Your key item will be the classic linen oversized shirt. You will look your best in relaxed lines. For bottoms, we suggest you follow your Soft Natural recommendations, but always add a sharper top. Long coats, thick wool oversized sweaters and big accessories like leather tote bags or chuncky looking shoes can’t go wrong. Nothing too polished or extremely feminine.
If Natural is your first complementary essence, you can incorporate it by adding an oversized garment to your outfit, handmade jewelry and accessories. Natural looking makeup or hair and earthy colors are key.
Finally, if Natural is your secondary complementary essence, it’s a good idea to wear your hair down and free, natural fibers in natural colors, and accessories made of leather or canvas. Always adding a hand-made touch to your outfits will elevate your outfits as it harmonizes with your Natural Essence.
In this case, if you are not an Autumn in the Seasonal Color Analysis, there’s a possibility that Natural colors will look off. We can help you find a way to incorporate your Colors to your Kibbe + Esssences if you book a consultation with us.

Gamine Essence + Soft Natural
Kibbe ID
As a Soft Natural with Gamine essence, you have to get creative. The “more is more” rule also applies with the Gamine essence. Remember that Gamines look best in short and small lines. So, adding lots of prints, colors, layers and accessories is very important.
The ammount of Gamine elements you have to add to your outfit really depends on the other two essences you have and on the percentage of Gamine you have. If you don’t know your Essence blend percentages and would like to know how to mix everything together make sure to book a Complete Consultation with us right here.
However, if Gamine is your main essence, you can dare to wear shorter lines. Adding a few mini skirts or other items like crop tops, crop sweaters, short dresses, etc. Just remember to not wear them together. Maybe trying to keep it one short item per outfit would look best. Also, don’t forget about adding lots of color and pattern mixing (this could change if you had Classic essence, as Classic is more about balance). Of course, find a way to add layers to everything. Overalls, turtlenecks, cardigans, and socks are items that allow you to play with layers.
On the other side, if Gamine is your first complementary essence, don’t be scared and start incorporating fun prints and colors to your outfits. Accessories are also what makes an outfit for Gamines. So hats, belts, fun bags, creative small jewelry, and layers in your outfits will elevate it.
Finally, if Gamine is your secondary complementary essence, keep in on the details like jewelry, hair, colors and maybe eye makeup (if you have Gamine eyes, of course).

Classic Essence + Soft Natural Kibbe ID
Classic is the middle point of everything. Nothing too sharp, nothing too soft and nothing too long or short. Because of this, having Classic essence means you have to search for balance in your outfits and in some cases, even elegance.
When Classic is your main essence, this means your rule becomes “less is more” and outfits must be clean, polished (unless you have Natural essence), and timeless. For a Soft Natural, what this means is that minimal, simple outfits will look best. Classic shirts, v-neck knit sweaters, dressing or tailored pants and shorts, will never fail you. Your hair and makeup has to be neat and in place.
But then, if Classic is your first complementary essence, you should also consider not adding a lot of jewelry or accessories to your outfits. Clean lines and a polished style will be your best friends and let’s not forget about timeless colors like dark blue, white, black, beige and red. Monochromatic outfits will never go wrong.
And of course, if Classic is your secondary complementary essence, as long as you keep things balanced you’re good too go. This means, you can explore the colorfulness of Gamine or Dramatic, but in a way that isn’t too much. Maybe by keeping the prints in only one item or the pops of color in either your bottoms or tops.

Romantic Essence + Soft Natural Kibbe ID
As a Soft Natural, you have a curvy frame, but compared to a Romantic in Kibbe, you have width, wich makes very tight clothes look like you’re trying too hard, unless you have Romantic Essence. Romantic is all about curve, soft lines, round necklines, and it brings lots of attention to your natural curves. However, as a Soft Natural, you have to add these elements carefully.
When Romantic is your main essence, This means you can add a tight garment to your outfits. You can experiment with round or square necklines. Your waist definition can be clear and not subtle. Colors like red, pink or black will look great. Fabrics like satin and silk materials, that are very delicate and very soft. Don’t forget Romantics are also a lot about makeup, so glamourous looks, lots of volume on your hair, jewelry that feels and looks luxurious, high heels, long nails, all of these are Romantic features you might want to incorporate to your Soft Natural Kibbe dressing lines. This way, you will respect what looks good on you without forgeting about your Romantic Essence.
What happens when Romantic is your first complementary essence? You don’t need to worry much as you can wear it in the fabrics you choose, like satin, silk, faux fur, any luxurious material. Of course, volume on the hair is key and makeup that accentuates the Romantic features in your face.
Lastly, when Romantic is your secondary complementary essence, you just need to always add a touch of glamour to your outfit. Pehaps red or glossy lips, long eyelashes, long hair, and jewelry.
If you don’t know which features in your face are Romantic, make sure to book a consultation with us, so you can learn which features are which essence and learn how to enhace them.

Ingenue Essence + Soft Natural Kibbe ID
Compared to the Romantic essence, Ingenue is actually easier to incorporate to your Soft Natural Kibbe ID. The Ingenue essence is known for its softness and delicate details. One of the most “feminine” essences, but it comes with an innocent approach.
If Ingenue is your main essence, you are free to incorporate lightweight, flowing fabrics with small flower prints. Makeup and hair are always a good way to enhace those delicate features, so adding blush to your cheeks, mascara to make your eyes look bigger, pink and soft colors around your eyes on in your lips is key. Don’t limit yourself and add a few ruffles in your skirt, round necklines and small, dainty jewelry .
In case Ingenue is your first complementary essence, adding a few round necklines instead of sharp V necklines, would be best. Small, delicate jewelry, soft waves, flower prints, small purses and feminine shoes are all good ideas.
Finally, when Ingenue is your secondary complementary essence, you can simply add light colors to your wardrobe, like sky blue, yellow pastel, baby pink. Short nails in delicate colors and polishes. And of course, small jewelry and accessories with a few girly details.

Angelic Essence + Soft Natural Kibbe ID
The Angelic Essence is known as the most Yin essence. However, its lines are closer to the Soft Natural Kibbe dressing lines than any of the other Yin essences. The Ethereal essence includes a lot of soft, flowing materials with different textures.
To incorporate the Ethereal/ Angelic to your Soft Natural Kibbe lines, if it is your main essence, you might need to switch to soft and flowing materials. Simple as that. Don’t forget to play with textures, add lots of lightweight knits, transparencies, or shiny fabrics. Less contrast is prefered as Angelic is more delicate and very bold colors could interfere with the softness. However, if you are a Winter in the Seasonal Color System, this might not work for you. We’ll teach you how to mix your Kibbe + Essences + Colors here.
Very long hair and lots of shimmer in your makeup, glowing skin, all of these contribute to an Ethereal style. Unique accessories that feel outwordly. Don’t forget to consider which type of Angelic you are, as that could make the whole difference. You could be an ethereal that looks like a fairy or a mermaid and the accessories, makeup looks and colors you wear would be very different from an Angelic that has a witchy or godess vibe. The type of Angelic you are depends on the mix of your other essences.
When Angelic is your first complementary essence, adding garments that wrap around your body and flowing sleeves will always work. Don’t forget about the textures, transparencies and irradiacent materials.
Finally, when Angelic is your secondary complementary essence, you can incorporate the essence by only adding metalic materials to your shoes, bags or simply wearing unique, long and delicate jewelry.
Don’t forget that you can strengthen your essences by wearing a perfume that smells like it.

Hopefully this guide helps you get inspired to play around with your essences. As long as we keep the right balance between our essences and respect the basics of our Kibbe lines (length + fit + silhouette), you will be able to achieve flawless outfits that represent who you are on the inside out.
This was so helpful! I have a mix of 3 essences.
Love these posts, can’t wait for the soft gamine one!