What is the Natural Essence?
Kitchener defines the Natural essence as the casual yang essence. Which means they might have wide facial features, a relaxed energy, some easy-going and sportiveness about them. They look good in casual clothing.
The clothing lines for Naturals is everything relaxed, oversized, texturized and long. There is a lot of influence in landscapes and nature, as the way a Natural can be perceived is like someone very laid-back, relaxed, but active. You can think of the Natural essence style as wearing the layers of the earth.

Characteristics of a Natural
It’s important to keep in mind you don’t need all of these features to have Natural essence. In fact, most of us have more than 3 essences, so the following information applies to someone who is a pure Natural. Still, you might relate to some of the following characteristics. You might have natural, but you have other essences too. We help you find your essence blend here.
Physical characteristic of someone with Natural essence:
- They will most likely have a Natural Kibbe Body Type (Flamboyant Natural, Soft Natural or Pure Natural).
- Broad jaw and might have a long vertical line (not in all cases).
- Low contrast between their skin, eyes, and hair.
- Small, spaced eyes.
- Wide nose.
- Broad lips.
- Asymmetry on their faces.
- Contrasting facial features (yin and yang features)
Personality traits someone with Natural essence might have:
- Approachability.
- Adaptable.
- Calm.
- Friendly.
- Peaceful.
- Practical.
- Relaxed.

Alicia Keys on Dazed
Someone with natural essence will usually look approachable or strong to others. (or both)
How they are usually perceived (even if they aren’t that way):
- They have a calming presence.
- They look relaxed.
- They give the appeareance of being nice and friendly.
- They usually go unnoticed and are low-key.
- People think they can easily take advantage of them.
- Like they’re a breath of fresh air.

The Natural style essence dressing lines
You might have Natural essence if you look good in:
- Long and straight shapes.
- Casual clothes over dressing up.
- Oversized garments.
- Natural fibers.
- Natural hair without looking messy.
- Natural makeup or no makeup.
- Layers in clothing.
- Heavy fabrics.

This is also me! My other profound archetype is a classic. I’m still not sure what my third one is. Anyway, do you have any suggestions on what stores to shop to find pieces for us with this natural essence?
I got natural essence and i totally agree
Quick question how did you get the font it’s so pretty
Hate to say it soft natural here and I have found my people. Lots of us do not have eyebrows or you can barely see them on our faces. Then when I do fill in my brows it adds to the more natural aesthetic look, it so interesting as I cannot believe I thought I was anything else. I got romantic as my main, natural and and angelic in even numbers so now I get to have fun playing with all three.
The quizzes tell me I’m a Dramatic Classic type with a Natural essence and it really does seem to fit.
hey i’m exactly the same as you!
i’m exactly the same as you
Hello! When I took the Kibbe test, I came out as Soft Classic maybe because I have a slightly small face that is a bit rounded with small but average lips. One way or another, I may consider myself as a Soft Classic, however I may also consider myself as a Soft Natural.
When I took this test, I came out as
5 Natural, followed by 4 Classic then 3 Dramatic because I prefer things to be laid back and chill but a bit quirky like a 1 Gamine, childlike as an Ingenue 2 and odd like 1 Ethereal. I’m so confused. I don’t know what am I really.
From my understanding, the majority of the population isn’t pure within their essence, meaning most people are more than one essence. In my test, I got a big variety just like you, and honestly, it felt debilitating to find my style without clear answers. However, over time I thought of it as a blessing to be able to dabble in more than one style. Being able to (in a way) make my style. I’d suggest sticking to your higher numbers more so than lower ones and understanding figuring out a better wardrobe will take a wild.