What is the Classic Essence?
The Classic Essence is the balanced Yin and Yang essence. This means nothing is too sharp or soft, but right in the inbetween. A classic is perceived as formal, elegant and timeless. You can picture them in different eras in time and they would fit in effortlessly in many.
The clothing lines for people with Classic essence is everything clean, polished, elegant, conservative, with moderate construction. It is influenced by the aristocracy and every element that involves it, from architecture to activities.

Characteristics of a Classic
It’s important to keep in mind you don’t need all of these features to have Classic essence. In fact, most of us have more than 3 essences, so the following information applies to someone who is a pure Classic. Still, you might relate to some of the following characteristics. You might have Classic, but you have other essences too. We help you find your essence blend here.
Physical characteristics of someone with Classic essence:
- They will most likely have a Classic Kibbe Body Type.
- Moderate vertical line.
- Balanced features, nothing stands out a lot in their faces.
- Medium contrast between their skin, eyes, and hair.
- Usually have great looking posture.
- Nothing is too sharp or round in their faces.
- Their face shape can look rounder or squarish depending on the angle and hair.
- Can be considered as “conventionally attractive.”
Personality traits someone with Classic essence might have:
- Clever.
- Genuine.
- Confident.
- Reserved.
- Distinguished.
- Refined.
- Cultured.
- Discreet.

Kate Middleton for Vogue
Someone with classic essence will be taken seriously.
How they are usually perceived (even if they aren’t that way):
- They have a strong presence.
- They look elegant.
- They give the appearance of being clean.
- People think they look like someone else.
- Like they’re some artwork you can see, but not touch.

The Classic style essence dressing lines
You might have Classic essence if you look good in:
- Moderate fits and lengths.
- Symmetrical clothes.
- Minimalist outfits without looking boring.
- Polished hair.
- Clean, no-makeup-makeup looks.
- Timeless outfits.
- Moderate fabrics.

This explains me so well! Do you have any store suggestions for us classics?